Sponsorship Levels


PRESENTING SPONSOR $1,000 and above
• Identification as a Presenting Sponsor of the 29th Annual Kingston Artists Soapbox Derby
• Logo on Finish Line banner over lower Broadway
• Logo on official Derby poster, website, promotional postcards and on signage at the event
• First Place Award Trophy in sponsor’s name
• Full page ad in our official Derby Program

AWARD SPONSOR $500 to $999
• Identification as an Award Sponsor of the 29th Annual Kingston Artists Soapbox Derby
• Logo on official Derby poster, website promotional postcards and on signage at the event
• Award/Trophy in sponsor’s name
• Half page ad in our official Derby Program

• Logo on website promotional postcards and on signage at the event
• Award/Trophy in sponsor’s name
• Quarter page ad in our official Derby Program

ENTRY SPONSOR $100 to $249
• Acknowledgement in our official Derby Program, on the website and promotional materials
• Name on chosen soapbox derby car tbd by the sponsor